Editing your copy requires a certain level of discernment. It’s when you commit to a specific direction, clarify the purpose of your piece, and define the emotion. You’re finalizing your messaging and positioning, and curating your impact.
The same can be said for your business. As a CEO, it’s your duty to periodically edit your business, applying the same editing practices described above.
Why do I use the word editing over auditing? Because some changes need to be made in real-time…guillotine-style (you know, when you nix that super long paragraph in the middle that was really just one big tangent). Being okay with “killing your darlings” is the key to your success (even if it feels like murder).

In Q4 of 2022 and again in Q1 of 2023, I edited my business in the following areas:
- Messaging & Positioning
- Website
- Model Client
- Client Experience
- Operations
Now, after all has been said and done, I can tell you…it was well worth it. I can feel the symmetry connecting throughout my business, brand, and life. For the first time ever, I’m experiencing inner alignment with ease.
And while the entire concept of editing your business may seem profoundly obscure, I urge you to make time for it. It’s an investment – of time, energy, and sometimes money. But, when done well, you get back every minute you put in two-fold…and sometimes more.
Below are five questions to help guide your editing experience:
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel when you’re working behind-the-scenes of your business?

Organizing my business feels like a never ending chore, like I’m swimming in compounding chaos.
I’m eager to sit down and pour into my internal processes and program development.
Why did you choose this rating? Take 5 minutes to journal your thoughts and explore your reasoning.
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel when you’re working on your marketing?

I do what I’m supposed to do…no more, no less. I’m just feeding the machine because I have to.
I’m inspired to plan my strategy. I feel excited to find new ways to engage and educate my audience.
Why did you choose this rating? Take 5 minutes to journal your thoughts and explore your reasoning.
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel when you’re working with your clients?

I’m overworked and underpaid…burnt out you could say. I’m starting to question why I even started this business.
I feel creatively challenged and personally fulfilled in my business relationships. I look forward to meeting with my clients.
Why did you choose this rating? Take 5 minutes to journal your thoughts and explore your reasoning.
4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel when you receive an inquiry?

I literally can’t handle one more thing in my calendar. Now I have to respond to this too?
I’m so happy another aligned client has found their way to my inbox! I can’t wait to meet and figure out how I can best help them.
Why did you choose this rating? Take 5 minutes to journal your thoughts and explore your reasoning.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel about reaching your next business anniversary?

I’m beyond exhausted. Another eight months of this? I’d rather eat cardboard.
Another milestone! I’m proud of everything I’ve accomplished…and excited to see what’s around the corner!
Why did you choose this rating? Take 5 minutes to journal your thoughts and explore your reasoning.
Congratulations! You’ve finished the exercise. Now, it’s time to sit back and reflect. And when you feel called to start editing your business, start by looking back at your responses and create a plan of action to take your 1s to 10s…across the board.
What might that look like?
- Phasing out a draining client
- Killing an offering you’re no longer in love with
- Pivoting your business direction
- Updating your onboarding materials to improve your client experience
- Burning it all down only to start over with a fire of purpose and passion
- Adding a new branch or arm to your business
- Hiring a new employee or contractor to delegate to
- Outsourcing your most grueling tasks (forever)
- Switching your business model entirely
- Trying out a new marketing channel
The possibilities are endless. Editing is stressful and exciting, but know…I’m always rooting for your clarity!
Come find me on Instagram @yasaminsalavatian and let me know what you’re editing this season.
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