5 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand

from scratch

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Reality Check:

Whether or not we’d like to admit it, each one of us has a personal brand.

Meaning? We do get judged by the cover of our book. 
So, with that knowledge, what’re you going to do about it? You have a few options. You can…

  1. Leave it to fate…I mean, why bother? Your destiny is already determined.
  2. Put on a show…Costumes? Masks? Let the masquerade ball begin! 
  3. Lead with your true self…And reflect your brand from the inside-out and onto the cover.

Here’s what I always say:

Engaging with you is an experience, so why not bring it to the forefront of your personal brand? 


After all…You are the very core of your brand and its leading voice, so speak your truth and the rest will follow. 


I’m Yasamin Salavatian,

Yasi for short. I partner with you to bring words to your vision, leading you to differentiate your brand from the sea of…well, let’s face it - drab. As a Storytelling Strategist (and your Partner-in-Communication), my role willfully challenges traditional marketing rhetoric, (re)defining your messaging and positioning to fit you like a glove. 

Together, we excavate your true…

Brand Messaging & Positioning

…to build a dynamic, cross-collateral, custom-made brand communication strategy that grows with you as you evolve with your business. 

My Areas of Expertise:

  • Personal Branding 
  • Messaging & Positioning 
  • Storytelling & Marketing Strategy
  • Brand Personality & Story Design
  • Thought Leadership
  • Naming


Stylized Marketing Language

Tone of Voice

Yasi for short. I partner with you to bring words to your vision, leading you to differentiate your brand from the sea of…well, let’s face it - drab. As a Storytelling Strategist (and your Partner-in-Communication), my role willfully challenges traditional marketing rhetoric, (re)defining your messaging and positioning to fit you like a glove. 

Together, we excavate your true…

Brand Messaging & Positioning

…to build a dynamic, cross-collateral, custom-made brand communication strategy that grows with you as you evolve with your business. 

My Areas of Expertise:

  • Personal Branding 
  • Messaging & Positioning 
  • Storytelling & Marketing Strategy
  • Brand Personality & Story Design
  • Thought Leadership
  • Naming


Stylized Marketing Language

Tone of Voice

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The Fine Print

I can’t promise I’ll email every week, but I can offer a word or two on what it’s like to be a creative entrepreneur (read: mildly tortured artist) who fell in love with story-rich marketing and teaches others to do the same. 

from scratch

Finding the message in your mess. 


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